Adya Mishra Adya Mishra

5 Great Reads for everyone (Fiction)

Here are some suggestions that I thought you might find particularly fascinating if you want to start reading as a pastime but are unsure of where to begin.

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Adya Mishra Adya Mishra

Common interview Questions

Tell me about yourself.

(This question is where you need to tell your story by selecting the incidents from your life that either define you or have led you to your current career path. Most likely, your next question would be based on this answer, so think it through and craft this well.)

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21 Basics of Professional Email Writing

With work from home becoming a normal part of our lives, emails have become an integral part of our work culture. When it comes to professional emailing, here are some of the best practices observed across the industry. This article is designed to be a quick-start guide for new professionals and a refresher course for older professionals.

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